Are you a philosopher?
To know the answer to that question, one must first have an idea about what philosophy is. Many people think of philosophy as difficult, abstract, theoretical, something that belongs to the sphere of…
What is wisdom?
Wisdom is – Knowing that there is a lot you don’t know – Realizing that things are complex – Knowing the difference is between facts and opinions – Realizing that everyone experiences the…
The world is not fair and just
We often assume that if we do something good, we will get something good in return. Or that if we stick to the rules, we will be rewarded – or at least not…
Loneliness is not being alone. It’s the feeling that nobody cares
A journey into the world of loneliness – and how to deal with it In our modern societies having a ‘rich social life’ is widely seen and promoted as an essential part of…
Is autonomy a myth? (Spoiler: No it is not.)
Are humans autonomous beings or is autonomy a myth? In the debate on this question, two views are often diametrically opposed: on the one hand there are people who believe that everyone is…
Why you should always keep asking ‘why?’
You may have noticed that I refer to myself as a “critical thinker” on the homepage of my website. That is not without reason. In my opinion critical thinking is one of the…
Perfection is an illusion. Pursuing it is a recipe for unhappiness
There are many ways in which people can make life hard on themselves. One of the best ways to do so, is without a doubt the pursuit of perfection. Perfectionism is a recipe…
Individuality, conformity and our need for social acceptance
One of the most paradoxical aspects of human behavior, if you ask me, is the universally felt need for freedom to be yourself and the simultaneous tendency to conform to your environment. Between…
Why we need to be angry sometimes (regardless what the Stoics say)
I don’t know about you, but I can get quite angry sometimes. It doesn’t happen often, but things like injustice, cheating and disrespectful behavior can really piss me off. It is a trait…
Do you want what you wish?
“You don’t have to learn to want,” said Greek philosopher Seneca. And indeed, we humans seem very good at wanting. We want all kinds of things. And there are things we don’t want.…